Dian Ekowati, SE., Msi., M.App(Org.Ch)., Ph.D.


In an ever-changing world like a global market and new technology, it is essential that the business world must also be able to change in order to continue to succeed. Successful companies are companies that are able to adapt innovatively and dynamically to every new challenge. This type of change may be innovative and strategic, physical and behavioral. Successful change must be created and not just born. Management needs a structured approach to planning changes in employee HR behavior. Aspects of change consist of innovative or strategic changes that are very useful for the development of quality human resources and required Continuous improvement and ISO implementation is the way companies to do Continuous improvement on the company to be able to continue to compete.

The purpose of this research was to examine the effect between the implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 clause 6 consisting of competence, awareness and training, work infrastructure and work environment on employee performance with job satisfaction as moderating variable. In this research using MRA (Moderated Regression analysis) method, population and sample of this research are employees of Marine Services Division PT "X" Surabaya Branch, amounting to 45 people with data collection methods using questionnaires and documentation.

The results of the research of the test of each variable are as follows: competence has a negative influence and is significant on employee performance, Awareness and Training has a positive influence and does not significant on performance, Fulfillment of work infrastructure has a positive influence and does not significant on Employee Performance, Working environment has a positive influence and significant on employee performance, Job satisfaction as moderating variable of competence on employee performance, Job satisfaction does not as moderating variable to the implementation of awareness and training on employee performance, Job satisfaction does not as moderating variable of work infrastructure on employee performance, Job satisfaction as moderating variable of Work environment to employee performance.

Keywords: ISO 9001: 2008, Job Satisfaction, Performance.

Source: http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/article/article-ilmiah/786- job-satisfaction-as-variable-moderator-case-study-at-pt-x-branching-surabaya-2.html