Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco, SE., MBA., Ph.D.


This study examines the business strategy of micro and small credit distribution in Bank Jatim.
The goal is to be able to formulate micro and small enterprise lending business for the company. In the last three years the outstanding of micro and small loans at Bank Jatim continues to decline, also with the proportion of the total loans given by the company. Bank Jatim is a company owned by East Java Local Government, but also an open company that has gone public. The main objectives are economic growth and economic growth in East Java. It is then translated into its mission in which one of them is to develop MSMEs. That is, micro and small credit is very important for the realization of corporate goals. Micro and Small Business is a very strategic undertaking for the Indonesian economy and has a huge opportunity to develop, and can be used to provide benefits to the company. In order to realize the objectives of the research, there are two problem formulas analyzed namely the strategic position of Bank Jatim in distributing micro and small credit which is the right strategy for micro credit disbursement problem in Bank Jatim. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach, a case study. The data used for analysis is from literature study and in-depth interviews. This thesis uses IE Matrix to analyze the company's strategic position and the formulation of a diamond strategy to formulate the right strategy for the company. The results of IE Matrix were obtained by evaluating the external and internal factors of the company in running their business, where the results showed that the strategic position of Bank Jatim in the small micro-credit business was in quadrant V ie in the position of hold and maintain strategy. In the formulation of the diamond strategy, to be able to focus on the distribution of micro and small loans Bank Jatim can carry out three strategies namely market penetration, product development, and internal development.

Keywords: Business strategy, Micro and Small Loans, Bank Jatim, Micro and Small Enterprises, IE Matrix, Diamond Strategy.

041514353071 Karima Mucha MM FEB Unair

Source: http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/article/article-ilmiah/782-kajian-strategi-bisnis-denganaluran-kredit-mikro-dan-besar-di-pt-bank- jatim.html