Author: Enny Hardi

Affiliations: Master of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga


Organizational learning has become an interesting topic because now companies need it if they want to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Marquardt (2002) argues that organizational learning is an increase in intellectual and productive abilities obtained through commitment and opportunities for continuous improvement in the organization. The relationship between organizational learning and performance has been researched for many years. Performance can be measured through financial performance. Slater and Narver (1995), Hurley and Tomas (1998) argue that organizational learning can improve performance through several mediators such as customer satisfaction, new product success, and information technology. This research uses information technology capabilities as an intervening variable.

The purpose of this research is to study the direct influence of organizational learning on financial performance, information technology capabilities, the direct influence of information technology capabilities on financial performance, and the indirect influence of organizational learning on financial performance through information technology capabilities. This research represents previous research by Bharadwaj (2000), Zhang and McCullough (2002), Goh and Ryan (2002), Sadat (2004).

This research is quantitative research with data collection using a questionnaire. Questionnaires were sent to go public manufacturing companies via mail and e-mail to 150 companies listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange. Only 53 companies returned the questionnaire and participated in this study. Data analysis used path analysis with the SPSS 11.0 program.

The results of this research show that: (1) organizational learning has a direct negative and significant effect on financial performance. The standard estimated value of organizational learning on financial performance = -0.405 and the significance value = 0.019, (2) organizational learning has a direct, positive and significant influence on information technology capabilities. The estimated standard organizational learning value for information technology capabilities = 0.604 and significance value = 0.000, (3) information technology capabilities do not have a direct, positive and insignificant effect on financial performance. The standard estimated value of information technology capabilities on financial performance is -0.135 and the significance value = 0.424, (4) organizational learning does not have an indirect influence on financial performance through information technology capabilities as an intervening variable. The estimated value of organizational learning standards on financial performance through information technology capabilities = 0.082.

The results of this research support the research of Goh and Ryan (2002) who argue that learning capability has no relationship with financial performance, Zhang and McCullough (2002) who argue that organizational learning has a positive influence on information technology capabilities. The results of this study do not support the research of Bharadwaj (2000) which argues that information technology capabilities have a relationship with financial performance.

Suggestions from this research are: (1) top managers must understand the concept of organizational learning and information technology capabilities, (2) further research can expand performance measurement not only through financial performance but also from non-financial performance, (3) further research can expand the measurement period beyond 3 years.

Keywords: Organizational learning, information technology capability, financial performance

Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/34289/