Title: Effect of hedonic value and consumer knowledge on purchasing intention for luxury brand counterfeit products

Authors: Musnaini 1 , Sri Wahyuni ​​Astuti 2 , Badri Munir Sukoco 2 and Syahmardi Yacob 1

Affiliations: 1. Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia; 2. Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia

Publisher: International Journal of Business and Globalisation


This study is two-fold: 1) to explore the emotional aspect of consumers to buy luxury brand counterfeit products including hedonism motivation and intention to buy; 2) to extend the variables that influence consumers to purchase fake luxury brand products. The study conducted in Surabaya City and randomly assigned to two experiments demonstrated that hedonism motivation into understanding consumers demanding to purchase luxury brand counterfeit products. The results of the empirical analysis suggest that participants who have high hedonism motivation affect their intentions of purchasing such luxury brand counterfeit products positively. It is also seen that there is high demand for luxury brand counterfeit products in the market.

Keywords: motivation; hedonic value; intention; luxury brand counterfeit.

Sources: https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=87297