Title: Behavior Analysis of Female Football Club Supporters in Indonesia

Author: Yoseph Benny Kusuma

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



Football is a popular sport that is said to have a much larger number of fans than any other sport around the world. His fans consist of various circles and social classes, from children to adults, from the working class to nobles, from commoners to presidents (Horne and Manzenreiter, 2002). An interesting phenomenon that has emerged recently is that football club supporters are not only dominated by men but are also starting to be filled with the presence of women. At its peak during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, the world's highest football organization FIFA reported that 43% of viewers of World Cup matches broadcast on television globally were women. This research wants to observe the behavior of women who support football clubs in Indonesia to show their fanaticism for the football clubs they support. Apart from that, further information will be explored regarding the motivations that encourage them to show fanatical behavior in supporting a football club. Football supporters' fanaticism can be shown in various ways, such as fans always wearing attributes that show the identity of their favorite team, such as wearing t-shirts, hats, scarves and jackets. Another form of supporter love is the establishment of a fan club consisting of supporters of the team. Sport marketing is the specific application of marketing principles and processes to sports products and the marketing of non-sport products through association with sport (Shank, 2009). Shank (2009) argues that in sports it has been assumed that the main purpose of matches is to entertain and satisfy customer needs. Hunt (1999) has grouped 5 types of fans, namely temporary fans, local fans, dedicated fans, fanatic fans and dysfunctional fans. Motivation is an impulse or desire within humans that causes individuals to do something to fulfill their needs. The concept of loyalty in the context of brand communities is also considered not only limited to repeat purchase behavior, but also relationships with other customers, including within the brand community. The stages of forming a relationship between consumers and companies are called the ladder of loyalty which consists of Prospect, Purchaser, Client, Supporter, Advocate and Partner. The loyalty ladder for female supporters consists of 5 levels, namely Purchaser, Client, Supporter, Advocate and Partner.

Keywords: Fanaticism, Ladder of Loyalty, Sport Managements


Source: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/33605