Title: O rcestration of Intangible Resources in Alliance Companies at CNN Indonesia (Study with a Single-Case Study Approach)

Author: Juliani Dyah Trisnawati

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Doctoral Study Program in Management Science, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



This research aims to explore the role of leaders in orchestrating intangible resources in global alliance companies. Orchestration of intangible resources from the company and partners includes how leaders combine the cultures of both companies in order to manage dynamic relationships with partners (relational resources), which together with the development of alliance governance (organizational resources), increase human resource competence through knowledge transfer (informational resources) in the creation of innovative and competitive products and services. A single case study approach was carried out on a television news media company (PT Trans Media) which entered into a strategic alliance with a foreign partner (CNN International). A case study approach was carried out to explore the complex phenomenon of how the role of company leaders combines the work cultures of both organizations, synchronizing and harmonizing the management of intangible resources in every activity with partners. This research uses semi-structured interviews with a number of company informants, conducts observations in the workplace and searches for secondary company data related to alliance activities in order to obtain a new model for the orchestration of intangible resources in companies with global alliances by considering the blend of work cultures of the two organizations. Data analysis uses a case study method approach by Gioia, which starts from looking for conceptual patterns from interview transcripts, developing themes from emerging concepts, and forming aggregate dimensions from themes that are put into dialogue with a number of existing and related literature. Next, a series of relationships from concepts, themes and aggregate dimensions are compiled into a data structure, which then becomes input in model development. The research results show that the successful orchestration of intangible resources in global alliance companies is influenced by aspects: the leader's ability to sense external and internal issues, look for alliance partners who have synergistic motives, ingenuity in overcoming existing obstacles for the survival of the company, facilitating a work environment that is conducive to the development of cultural compatibility (referred to as ambiculture) in the implementation of work with partners. This ambicultural development can be identified starting from the joint use of partner brands, activities with partner experts in knowledge transfer and guidance, teamwork activities in creating quality and innovative news content. The leader's success in orchestrating intangible resources is manifested in the company's success in its business performance. This research also develops a more general conceptual model of intangible resource orchestration by considering cultural mix (ambiculture). This model consists of aspects of visionary leadership, ambiculture-based orchestration of intangible resources in the context of creating innovative products/services, and achieving company business performance. The model developed can be used by company top management as a guide to the aspects that must be considered when they decide to enter into a strategic alliance with a foreign partner in order to achieve common goals.

Keywords: Intangible Resource Orchestration, Ambicultural, Innovative Products and Services, Company Operational Performance.

Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/104932/