Title : Analysis of the Influence of Altruism, Religiosity, Trust, and Convenience on Intention to Pay Ziswaf Through Digital Payment (Mobile Payment)

Author : Fadillah Nur Syafira
Universitas Airlangga

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)




Current technological developments are very fast, the number of digital payment system users in Indonesia continues to grow every year, causing various zakat, infaq, waqf and sadaqah institutions to start innovating to collect funds using digital payment systems. With innovation in collecting zakat, infaq, waqf and alms funds through digital payment systems, the number of Muslim communities in Indonesia who pay zakat, infaq, waqf and alms should increase due to the convenience offered. However, it turns out that the amount of zakat, infaq, waqf and alms funds collected is still far below the potential amount of funds that can be collected. Many factors influence the Muslim community's intention to pay in paying zakat, infaq, waqf and alms. Several factors that need to be researched are Altruism, Religiosity, Trust, Convenience, Intention to Pay, Digital Payment, Mobile Payment. Therefore, this research needs to be carried out to determine the influence of these factors on the intention to pay of Muslim communities in paying zakat, infaq, waqf and alms in digital collections via mobile payment.

Keywords: Altruism, Religiosity, Trust, Convenience, Intention to Pay, Digital Payment, Mobile Payment


Source : http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/97629