Title : Fisheries Export Intensity in Indonesia
Author : Lucky Rachmawati SE, M.Si.
Universitas Airlangga
Item Type : Thesis (Dissertation)
This study aims to: 1) describe the potential of the fisheries sub-sector in Indonesia based on sector concentration, workforce, exchange rate for farmers in the fisheries sub-sector, output and export intensity of the fisheries sub-sector in Indonesia; 2) determine the influence of labor, sector concentration, and the exchange rate of farmers in the fisheries sub-sector partially and jointly on the output of the fisheries sub-sector in Indonesia; and 3) to determine the effect of fisheries sub-sector output on the export intensity of the fisheries sub-sector in Indonesia. The research method used in this study is a quantitative research method. This study is a type of quantitative descriptive research with a mathematical approach to describe fisheries potential in Indonesia and explanatory to analyze the influence of independent (exogenous) variables on dependent (endogenous) variables. To explain the influence of the independent (exogenous) variable on the dependent (endogenous) variable, regression analysis with the two stage least squares (TSLS) model is used. The research results show: 1) there are 4 provinces that have the potential to develop the output and export intensity of the fisheries sub-sector in Indonesia, namely: South Sulawesi Province, East Java Province, Lampung Province and North Sumatra Province; 2) Labor, sector concentration, and the exchange rate of farmers in the fisheries sub-sector jointly have a significant effect on the output of the fisheries sub-sector in Indonesia; 3) Sector concentration and the exchange rate of farmers in the fisheries sub-sector have a partially significant effect on the output of the fisheries sub-sector in Indonesia, while labor has an insignificant effect on the output of the fisheries sub-sector in Indonesia; and 4) Output has a significant effect on the export intensity of the fisheries sub-sector in Indonesia.
Uncontrolled Keywords: sector concentration, labor, farmer exchange rate, output and export intensity