– Would you believe me if I said that every human being, without exception, whether he is a good or bad person, will feel regret? You might ask, how do good people feel regret? And for what is he sorry?

For those who are Muslims, of course they really know the following short letter from QS Al 'Ashr (time):

For time's sake. Indeed, humanity is in loss, except those who believe and do good deeds and advise each other to truth and advise each other to patience. ” (QS Al 'Ashr: 1–3)

QS Al 'Ashr discusses important assets in life, which are freely provided by God to be managed. These assets are owned by every living creature, but not all living creatures are able to manage them. That asset is time.

It is humans and genies who are given the ability to manage these assets. Anyone who fails to manage these assets will feel regret. Surah Al Ashr also informs us that all humans will feel loss and regret, even people who have done good will regret why they did not do more good. We can at least see this in a story from the time of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salam below (Yulianto, 2016):

A friend named Sya'ban radhiallahu 'anhu died, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salam paid his respects to his house. At that time, Sha'ban ra's wife. asked: "O Messenger of Allah, there is something that is a question mark for all of us, namely that before his death he screamed three times with each scream accompanied by one sentence. We all don't understand what it means.”

"What sentences did he say?" asked the Prophet.

“With each scream, he uttered the phrase 'Oh, why don't you go further! Oh why not a new one! Oh why not all of them! ' ” answered Sya'ban's wife.

Rasulullah saw . also recited the verses contained in the QS . Qaaf: 22, "Indeed, you were in a state of heedlessness from this (thing), so We removed from you the hijab (which covered) your eyes, so your sight on that day was very sharp."

“What Sha'ban ra saw. (and the person who is dying) cannot be witnessed by others. In his sharp gaze was Sya'ban ra. saw a scene where every day he went home to the mosque to pray in congregation five times a day. The journey is about three hours on foot, of course it's not a short distance. In that broadcast, Sya'ban ra. "He was shown the reward he got from his steps to the mosque," said Rasulullah.

He saw what the heaven promised as his reward looked like. When he saw it, he said: "Oh, why isn't it further away?" Sya'ban ra., regretted why his house wasn't further away so that the reward he would get would be more beautiful. In the next sentence, Sha'ban ra. saw when he was leaving for congregational prayers in winter. When he opened the door, a bone-chilling cold wind blew in. He went into his house and took another shirt to wear. He wore two clothes, Sya'ban wore the good (new) clothes on the inside and the ugly (worn) ones on the outside.

He thought, if he got dusty, of course all he would get would be his outer clothes and when he arrived at the mosque he could take off his outer clothes and pray in better clothes. While on his way to the mosque, he found someone lying cold and in a terrible condition. Sha'ban ra. felt sorry for him and immediately took off his outermost clothes and put them on him, then he carried him to the mosque so they could perform the morning prayer together.

The person survived from freezing to death and even managed to perform congregational prayers. Sha'ban ra. Then he saw the beauty of heaven, and in return he dressed the person in his old clothes.

Then he shouted again “Ouch!! Why not a new one?" Sya'ban ra raised another regret. If just wearing old clothes can bring him great rewards, of course he will get a more beautiful paradise if he gives him new clothes.

Next, Sha'ban ra. revisit a scene. When he wanted to have breakfast he ate bread by dipping it in a glass of milk. For those who have been to the holy land, of course you know the size of Arabic bread (about three times the size of the average Indonesian bread). When he was just about to start breakfast, a beggar appeared at the door asking for some bread because he had not had food in his stomach for three days. Seeing this, Sha'ban ra. feel sorry. He then divided the two pieces of bread into equal sizes and divided the milk into glasses with equal volumes, then they ate together.  Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then showed Sha'ban ra. with beautiful heaven. When I saw that, Sha'ban ra. shouted again, "Oh why not all of them!!" Sha'ban ra. regret it again. If he had given all the bread to the beggar, then surely he would have received a more beautiful paradise. Masyaallah, Sya'ban does not regret his actions , but regrets why they were not optimal.

Seeing this beautiful story, it is almost certain that you and I will be among the people who will regret it at the end. Because we are less able to manage assets optimally to be able to do more good. What we can probably do now is try to minimize regret.

Author: Dr. Gancar C. Premananto*

*Coordinator of the Master of Management Study Program, FEB, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya
