Exactly on May 10 2021 and coincides with the 27th of Ramadhan 1442H. The Department of Islamic Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga held a Muslimah webinar with the theme "Balancing Household and Career Roles". This webinar presented a resource person, namely one of the professors at Sunan Ampel Islamic University Surabaya (UINSA), namely Prof.Dr.H.Ahmad Zahro, MA. And moderated directly by the head of the Sharia Economics department, FEB Unair, namely Dr. Sri Herianingrum, SE., M.Si.

In this webinar, Prof. Ahmad Zahro initially studied Islamic jurisprudence which places women and men in different divisions of inheritance and aqiqah. However, if studied more deeply, he said, in fact the nominal or figures in justice do not have to be the same, because justice must be in accordance with its portion. Then he explained about career women, then he told the story of Rasulullah SAW, who at that time allowed Siti Khadijah to trade. In fact, Khadijah's merchandise became one of the biggest commodities of her time. And most of the proceeds from Khadijah's business were used to finance Rasulullah SAW in his preaching.

It is also explained in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 228 which means "And they (women) have rights balanced with their obligations in an appropriate manner. But husbands have advantages over them. Allah is all-powerful, all-wise." And in the letter An-Nisa' verse 32 which means "And do not be jealous of the gifts that Allah has given some of you over others. (Because) for men there is a part of what they earn, and for women (too) there is a portion of what they earn. Ask Allah for some of His bounty. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing of everything.” . Mr. Ahmad Zahro also said that from this verse of the Qur'an, a point can be taken that men and women each have the right to their own success depending on their efforts, and of course this must be accompanied by prayer and trust in Allah.

In the webinar, Mr. Ahmad Zahro also mentioned that in fact in Islam women are highly respected, it is also recorded in Islamic history which reflects that Islam is a religion that highly honors women. One of them is the letter An-Nisa' which means woman. Then he also briefly touched on the issue of polygamy in Islam, where men are allowed to marry up to 4 women with various conditions of course.

Then, after the resource person delivered the material, the moderator opened a question and answer session for webinar participants. On this occasion, webinar participants were very active in asking questions to examine the discussion more deeply. Also in this session, Mr. Ahmad Zahroh stated that when a woman settles down and has a career, her husband must also be able to balance it, and no matter what, living is still the husband's obligation. Therefore, women who are married and have a career must be able to discuss this matter first with their husbands, of course to avoid problems that might arise in the future. In this case, he also emphasized that the rights and obligations of husband and wife must be truly balanced.

Muslim Affairs Webinar 1

After the question and answer session, the webinar ended and closed with a group photo session and closed with prayer. Alhamdulillah, the event ran smoothly without any problems and the participants seemed very impressed with the material presented by the speakers. (Auvi/DES)