WEBS Unair is again holding one of its annual seminars, namely the Entrepreneur Sharing Day (WESD) Workshop. On Thursday, May 3 2018, this event was held at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga. The Entrepreneur Sharing Day workshop itself has been running for the last 3 years with the aim of providing seminars that motivate the younger generation to start entrepreneurship. In this year's WESD, WEBS Unair raised the theme "Local Fashion Brand in Action" which can educate about how to start a fashion business, and provide tips on running the fashion business process itself.

In this WESD, WEBS Unair succeeded in bringing in four speakers at once who had a lot of experience in the fashion field, namely Fiqih A. Dennoto (Owner Legasy Dealer), Fahmi Oktafiandy (Owner Denimworks), Rezky Bintang (Owner Zip Shoes Care), and Moh. Rusdinal (Owner of Bizclean). Apart from seminars, WESD also presents a pop-up market containing tenants from several local products, food & beverages tenants and acoustic performances from several bands at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga.