[UNAIR WEBSITE Proudly Present] 

Are you someone who is interested in studying financial planning? or do you want to 


WEBS UNAIR proudly presents DISCOVER with our special speaker???? 

This DISCOVER will talk about "Financial Planning" To get knowledge about how to 

manage our finances.???? 

So, mark your calendar at: 

???? 14 October 2021 

⏰ 12 pm - 2 pm 

???? FREE  


???? Stephanie Lim 

???? What will you get?  

-Knowledge on how to manage our finances 


What are you waiting for, go register yourself by filling this link 


???? Further Information (Contact Person):  


GET READY! For the great experience???? 

Respect for time⏰ 

Respect for people???? 

Respect to system⚙️ 

WEBS Unair, dare to be a leader!