NINJA FEN UNAIR STREETIncreasing the number of professors is very important for education in Indonesia.

Indirectly, the number of professors can be related to achieving SDGs point 4, especially in the context of improving the quality of education. Professors or lecturers at universities have an important role in ensuring that higher education is of high quality and relevant to the needs of society and the world of work. The following are several ways in which the number of professors can contribute to achieving SDGs point 4: 1. Availability and quality of teaching: An adequate number of professors allows universities to offer a variety of study programs and courses with high teaching standards.
This can improve the overall quality of higher education. 2. Research and innovation: Professors are often also involved in research and innovation, which can enrich students' learning experiences and help in finding solutions to global problems related to the SDGs, such as climate change, poverty and social inequality.
3. Student development: Professors not only provide teaching but also act as guides and mentors for students. Through these interactions, they can help students develop skills, knowledge and understanding relevant to achieving SDG targets, such as gender equality, access to education and decent work.

Luckily to support this goal, the Student Association of the Doctoral Study Program in Accounting (HIMA PDIA) Universitas Airlangga held a sharing session event during the month of Ramadan which was packaged in a relaxed & light manner with the theme Ngabuburit Research 1.0. The main aim of this activity is to provide guidance and new perspectives for academics and practitioners to reach the peak of their academic careers as Professors (Gubes).

This event is open to the public, not only Airlangga University students but also other groups. Let's join us.

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