The working meeting is not yet in February, UNAIRThe Student Legislative Body (BLM) of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga held a Working Meeting (RAKER) together with BEM FEB UNAIR on Thursday, March 7 2024. This Working Meeting (RAKER) was held as part of BLM's supervision of BEM. This form of supervision is preventive, which means that BLM supervises the work program design that will be implemented by BEM FEB UNAIR during one management period. This activity is an effort to prevent fraud or errors in the work program before it is implemented so that it complies with the laws and regulations that regulate it. Through this preventive supervision, BLM FEB UNAIR makes corrections or improvements to the BEM FEB UNAIR work program.

The Working Meeting (RAKER) which took place in the Tirto Hall FEB UNAIR was opened by the chairman of commission B, namely Maulana Haqqulyakin as the person in charge. Then continued with remarks by the Chair of BLM 2024, namely Afif Muqsith, and the President of BEM FEB UNAIR 2024, namely M. Ghuffron. Furthermore, BEM, both bureaus and departments, are invited to make work program presentations and will be responded to by Commission A of the Supervision Department.

By holding this Working Meeting (RAKER), it is hoped that the BEM FEB Universitas Airlangga can further improve and provide great benefits for all FEB students. Therefore, this Working Meeting (RAKER) can support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in point 16, namely Partnerships for the goals. Because BLM and BEM FEB are partners in establishing a relationship with BLM acting as a legislature that carries out preventive supervision regarding the design of BEM work programs and BEM as an executive helps BLM in implementing all the policies that have been made for a better FEB UNAIR in the future.

