The 2018 Islamic Festival is a national economic Olympics held by Surabaya State University. This Islamic Economic Olympiad event is a series of national regional and banjari regional election competitions.

This Olympic event is in the preliminary stage using the essay submission method which is participated in by many teams on various campuses throughout the country, and then the 30 best essay teams are selected to take the online test, and then the 12 best teams are selected to advance to the semifinals which will be held in Surabaya State University campus, which is in the Ketintang area. Those who passed the semifinal stage were from Universitas Airlangga , UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Diponegoro University, Brawijaya University, Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Gundharma University, STEI Tazkia, Malang Islamic University, Semarang State University, Indonesian Islamic University. The details of the team members who passed from Universitas Airlangga are as follows: Rizka Lailatul Millah, Tita Novita Sari and Cyndy Mayoli.

In the semifinal stage, what is done is to answer the questions using the quiz method with details of the mandatory questions, 60 multiple choice questions and 40 essay questions with a time of 180 minutes, then a debate and a final presentation session.

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