The wheels of the Indonesian economy require many entrepreneurial professions to run well. In cultivating the entrepreneurial spirit and abilities of Indonesian students, the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa), Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia organizes various Independent Campus Programs. Through the spirit of Independent Learning, Independent Campus, the Entrepreneurship Program consists of Entrepreneurship Workshops, Indonesian Student Management Business Activities (KBMI), Indonesian Student Start-Up Acceleration (ASMI), as well as attached assistance by Practitioners/Entrepreneurs and lecturers through Indonesian Student Entrepreneurial Assistance (PWMI).
Students in implementing KBMI and ASMI in 2020 continue to be accompanied by practitioners and lecturers in the hope of having a stronger and growing business which will then be continued to take part in the Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship Expo (KMI) event as the culmination. KMI Expo is a meeting place for Indonesian students who have been equipped with the knowledge to showcase student creativity and build business networks.
KBMI 2020 activities will take place from June starting with proposing proposals and closing with KMI Expo XI 2020 on December 5. During the proposal submission period, we also received guidance from the supervisor, namely Mrs. Tri Siwi and also 1 mentor so that we could complete the proposal well. After the selection process, on July 29 2020 it was announced that the teams that had passed the 2020 KBMI funding were announced and we were one of the teams that passed the funding by getting funds amounting to IDR 16,000,000 (sixteen million rupiah).
The business we use in KBMI 2020 is Choipan Surabaya. Choipan Surabaya is a culinary business started by Universitas Airlangga students since 2017. Choipan Surabaya was born from the scarcity of choipan as an Indonesian cultural heritage and the public's lack of knowledge about choipan. Choipan Surabaya aims to
introducing choipan as a typical food native to West Kalimantan as a food product that has an authentic taste and is highly competitive in Surabaya.
The KBMI 2020 activity also provides assistance and monitoring for teams that pass the funding which will be carried out on 29 July 2020 - 23 October 2020 via online. On October 22 2020, our Choipan team conducted a KBMI assessment via Zoom Meeting at 09.00. Then the stage 2 assessment was carried out on November 24 2020. Before making a presentation in front of the judges, we, the Choipan Team, also made various preparations such as preparing Power Points, making business progress reports, and also continuing to provide guidance with supervisors.
The highlight of KBMI 2020 activities is KMI Expo Before taking part in this activity, the Choipan Surabaya Team had to attend a Technical meeting which was held 2 times, namely on November 26 2020 and December 3 2020. At the peak of the event our team will hold an online Choipan product exhibition via the Hopin application and will also take part in a workshop competition .
Our team has to do a lot of preparations ahead of the KBMI peak event. To prepare for the online exhibition, our team tested the Hopin application on D-1 of the event, we also prepared what products we would display at the exhibition and ensured that the products were in good condition. For the workshop competition we had to make a short 45 second video about what topic we would cover in the workshop. We also had to go through selection until 20 teams were selected and we were one of the teams that passed. After our team qualified for the top 20, our team began to prepare the material in detail and package it attractively in a Power Point. Before conducting the workshop in front of the judges, we did a practice first with the supervisor and other teams from Universitas Airlangga who passed to get criticism and input.
KMI Expo
from various competitions. Judging for the workshop competition itself was carried out from 15.30 to 17.00 and we were required to bring an audience who would be one of the points for judging. The online exhibition was held on December 4 2020 and December 5 2020, where our team took turns guarding the online exhibition booth.
The announcement of the winners for various competitions at KMI Expo Universitas Airlangga at KMI Expo XI 2020 also held the title of overall champion because of the many awards won by the team issued by Universitas Airlangga.