FLS or commonly known as the Future Leader Summit is an annual event organized by Nusantara Muda in Semarang. The number of selection participants increases from year to year, so that the level of selection rigor increases. FLS has produced many alumni who are proactive in helping to answer problems that occur in society. In accordance with its objectives, FLS wants to help accommodate Indonesian youth in thinking critically, providing effective solutions, increasing awareness, and increasing collaboration networks between delegates to create joint change and real action. FLS always presents themes that are relevant to problems close to society and current issues. In 2019, FLS raised the theme Future Leader's Idea Manifestation of ASEAN 2025 in the Age of Disruption, with the tagline " Think The Unthinkable" .

Previously, FLS was divided into 6 fields, namely; education, environment, international relations, technopreneur, urban planning, and digital . Before being declared delegates , prospective delegates must fill out several statements regarding issues related to their chosen field. Two weeks later, an announcement came in the e-mail of each prospective delegates stating that they had been selected. Anastasya from Islamic Economics class of 2016 in the field of environment , Rifki Fardian and Rani Sipayung from Management class of 2016, in the field of technopreneur with Laila Nur from Development Economics class of 2017.

The FLS event itself lasted for two days. With the first series of events, namely the Welcoming Session, as a welcome and motivation to fuel the enthusiasm of the delegates . This was then continued with Think-Tanks and Caseroom , namely the delivery of material by resource persons according to their respective fields and presentation of case studies to produce solutions. The first day ended with A Night to Remember or dinner together as well as finding relationships for the delegates . The second day, the Grand Summit , was the delivery of discussion results from case studies analyzed using the pentahelix method or five stakeholders (entrepreneurs, government, academics, media and community) by representatives from each field.

The event was held at the New Metro Hotel, Semarang on 20-21 September 2019. From FLS itself, we delegates from FEB Universitas Airlangga gained many values ​​that can be taken and applied in life as students, such as; critical thinking, decision making, collaboration, building relationships, teamwork , and respect.