Nongki is useful


NOBAR, or Nongki literally means one of the work programs of the Syiar MOSAIC FEB UNAIR division. Nobar is a study that is packaged very interestingly for students to follow. The theme of this study is very interesting and informative, of course, it will discuss how to strengthen faith and piety in the 4.0 era. 

As we know, the rapid current of developments, technology, juvenile delinquency and increasingly free relationships mean that we as Muslims and Muslims have to be smart in choosing circles or activities. Don't let us fall into bad things which will certainly harm us. 

For this reason, the MOSAIC FEB UNAIR Syiar Division as one of the missionary institutions in the Faculty of Economics and Business will invite all MOSAIC members and all members of the Faculty of Economics and Business to always strengthen their faith and piety. Of course, with positive activities, such as taking part in this study of course. 

The speaker at this Nobar event is Adi Suryanto, he is a motivator with the title "scholar of humor" who will certainly lead us to strengthen our faith and better piety. 


Faith - Intellectual - Professional