KARIMAH AKBAR: It's time for Muslim women to play a role, not play a role

Responding to the many love phenomena that lead to negative things, the
Muslim Affairs Division of the Moslem Students Association of Economics and Business Faculty (MOSAIC) Faculty
of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held KARIMAH AKBAR (
Muslim women's seminar). The activity was held on Saturday (14/09/2019) in the Fadjar Notonegoro Hall, FEB
UNAIR. With the theme "It's Time for Muslim Women to Play a Role, Not Baperan", it is hoped that Muslim women
can carry out their role and spread benefits according to their respective fields.
The first resource person was Nuri Fauziah, M.Psi, who discussed Don't Get Too Easy, how to
manage your heart so you don't get emotional. Love is natural. Feelings are a disaster if you confide
in a non-mahram. It starts from confiding and becoming captivated. The closing statement delivered
was "Be a woman who is hard to find, but lucky to have."
Dewi Nur Aisyah, Ph.D as the second resource person said that women have
privileges and nobility that other creatures of God do not have. He also
said that women have a big role in the Islamic religion.
"During Roman and Greek times, the role of women was very degraded, but it turns out that in Islam,
Allah SWT gives them a very noble role. "Even from these women, Allah wants us
(women, ed) to produce generations of civilization that are much more civilized, generations of rabbani
who love the Koran and Islam more," he said.
He added that a woman can also play a role in the family,
work and community environment. Not only that, he also said how important
education is for a woman.
Apart from that, he said there are 3 main roles that women must play as
Muslim women. Regardless of what and how many roles women play in
other fields.
"In whatever role, bonus roles that will be carried out later, make sure the 3 main pillars of a
woman are still implemented. The first is to be a pious woman, the second is to be an
obedient wife and the third is to be the main madrasah. "Those are the 3 pillars of the role of Muslim women that are
non-negotiable," he concluded.
In closing, he added that as a Muslim woman you must be able to carry out the 3
main roles in a balanced manner and not reduce the amount according to the portion. So, after
these three main roles have been carried out, a woman can take on the additional roles