The Pilgrimage activity is a work program from PKK FEB UNAIR which is a conversation activity and forum for sharing opinions with relevant sources to discuss religious issues. This activity is carried out on zoom and takes place on Thursday, November 25 2021 at 19.00 WIB.

This event was attended by all active PKK FEB UNAIR administrators. The theme raised in this Pilgrimage is "How do I choose the right path?". The structure of this event begins with registration from participants who attended the zoom meeting. The opening of the Pilgrimage was marked by an Opening and Joint Prayer, then continued with remarks from the Chairman of the PKK and the Chief Executive of the Pilgrimage. After the opening session was finished, the next session was the introduction of resource persons and presentation of material by Father Alexander Silaen. The session lasted for 25 minutes and was followed by a 15 minute Q&A session. Then, continued with the Games session. This session ends at 20.10 WIB. This event closed with thanks to the priest and all participants who had attended the Pilgrimage event. Closing Prayer and a virtual group photo were held at the end of the event