Students Association Visit is a work program of the External Department which functions to improve Unair Management branding and exchange information between HIMA S1 UNAIR Management and other student associations, both at Universitas Airlangga and other universities regarding the work programs of each association. Apart from that, the Students Association Visit is also a forum for gaining new insights and expanding relationships by visiting several other student associations.
This year, the Students Assistance Visit will be held 3 times, namely in March, June and September which will be held offline and online. The 2023 Students Association Visit has the theme "Strengthening Work Networks and Cooperation between Universities", where this theme focuses on the importance of building work networks and cooperation between universities.
Therefore, HIMA Undergraduate Management UNAIR organized this event to provide an opportunity for all internal organizations to increase their network not only within the scope of Universitas Airlangga but also at various universities in Indonesia.
Contact person:
Krisna Bramantio
LINE: krisnabramantio
WhatsApp: 082268208588
External Department
#SpiritUnityPride #HIMAManagementUNAIR #AirlanggaHebat