Management Start-Up Challenge or abbreviated as MSC, is a national level business plan competition and mentoring activity for high school/vocational school students and D3/D4/S1 students (maximum 5th semester) throughout Indonesia to improve the entrepreneurial spirit of students and college students.

MSC 2022 is one of the sub-events of Management Expo 2022 which carries the theme "Millennial Generation for Innovation and Brighter Economy in the New Normal Era" as an effort to help create good Start-Up ecosystem conditions. This is in accordance with SDG's number 9, namely Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. 

 To broaden millennial insight into entrepreneurship, MSC 2022 presents a National Webinar as one of a series of events with the theme of this webinar being "How to Become an Entrepreneur in Line with the Development of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure". The 2022 MSC webinar will be held online via zoom meeting on September 3 2022 at 08.30 WIB. The speakers at the MSC 2022 webinar are Cynthia Cecilia as Founder of Jobhun, Community Leader at IndigoSpace Surabaya and Maulana Wiga as President of Bepah Group. The presenter for the 2022 MSC Webinar is Alviane Cristyarini (S1 Management Student Universitas Airlangga ) with moderators 1 Sri Mafrihatun Annisa (S1 Management Student Universitas Airlangga ) and Alifya Salsabilla Farabi (S1 Management Student Universitas Airlangga ).

The 2022 MSC webinar aims to provide education and information on how to build an entrepreneurial spirit with a focus on realizing the goal of developing innovation, industry and infrastructure towards international markets. This webinar is free and can be attended by all MSC 2022 participants, high school/vocational school students or university students, as well as the general public who are interested in improving their entrepreneurial spirit and innovation in the current new normal era.

For further information, you can check our social media!

Registration :

Instagram : @mexpo.msc2022

Contact person:

Rayhan : loid.loid (LINE ID) / 089517004422 (wa)

Lilya : lilyazf (LINE ID) / 08882591917 (wa)