In 2022, HIMA S1 Management Universitas Airlangga will hold a "Meet Up Alumni" event for active students of the Bachelor of Management study program Universitas Airlangga . The 2022 Alumni Meet Up carries the theme "Figure Out Your Life After Graduating College" and invites 2 alumni who have been successful in starting their careers to share their experiences with Bachelor of Management students Universitas Airlangga who are currently studying. 


The 2022 Alumni Meet Up is related to SDGs number 4, namely quality education. Apart from being agents of change, the younger generation must also be able to become agents of producers who are able to create real change. Therefore, students must have views and plans to achieve their future goals, especially the career path they will be aiming for in order to make a change for the better. With alumni who have been successful in their respective fields, this proves that a quality generation has been born from the Bachelor of Management Study Program Universitas Airlangga . Therefore, the 2022 Alumni Meet Up will invite two Bachelor of Management alumni Universitas Airlangga who have been successful in their fields to provide a learning platform and opportunity for students who will follow in the alumni's footsteps to become the next quality generation of Bachelor of Management from Universitas Airlangga so that this can also be achieved. a success. This event will be held on Saturday, March 26 2022 at 09.30 WIB via Zoom Meetings.


The speakers at the 2022 Alumni Meet Up were Rizky Ananda Putra and Nabilah Nur Azizah. The first speaker of the 2022 Alumni Meet Up, Rizky Ananda Putra, is a 2015 graduate of Universitas Airlangga Management study program who is currently working at the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing as First Expert-Manager of Goods or Services Procurement. Previously, Rizky Ananda Putra worked as an Associate Consultant at Crown Circle Consultant and Ranking and Research Assistant of Planning and Development Board at Universitas Airlangga .


The second speaker for the 2022 Alumni Meet Up was Nabilah Nur Azizah. Nabilah Nur Azizah is an alumni of the 2016 Bachelor of Management program Universitas Airlangga who is the founder of Nuna Nanu (@nunaastore). Nuna Nanu was founded in 2016 and is a business operating in the apparel and fashion sectors. Nuna Nanu has 686 thousand followers on Instagram and 220 thousand followers on Shopee. This business which operates in the apparel and fashion sector has succeeded in selling more than thousands of products. Apart from that, Nuna Nanu has also collaborated with public figures several times.