Management Got Talent (MGT) is one of the work programs of the Sport and Art Department of the Management Study Program Student Association, FEB Universitas Airlangga for the 2021 period in the form of a competition for all active students from the 2017-2021 class who have interests and talents that can be displayed on stage, such as singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, magic, reading poetry, and so on.


Seeing the facts above, we as the Student Association of the FEB Universitas Airlangga Undergraduate Management Study Program are encouraged to hold the "Management Got Talent (MGT)" activity which is held as a means for Universitas Airlangga Undergraduate Management students to channel their interests, talents and potential. students such as singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, reading poetry, and so on in order to increase friendship between generations and with other generations, establish brotherly relationships between Management students, strengthen ties, and explore potential interests and talents within students to show. to the public, so that it can also function as a medium for entertainment for Universitas Airlangga Management residents.


The aim of this event is as follows:

  1. Channeling the interests, talents and potential of active students

Batch 2017-2021 Bachelor of Management Universitas Airlangga .

  1. As a forum for introducing interests, talents and potential

owned by active students Class 2017-2021 Bachelor of Management University


  1. Instilling a competitive spirit in active 2017-2021 undergraduate students

Universitas Airlangga Management.

  1. Providing opportunities for active 2017-2021 undergraduate students

Universitas Airlangga management to show its talents and potential in front of the general public so that it can increase self-confidence.

  1. Strengthening ties between active students from the Class of 2017-2021, Bachelor of Management Universitas Airlangga .


Social media:

Instagram @mgt2k21

HIMA UNAIR S1 Management
