researchdayThe Scientific Division of the Islamic Economics Student Association (HIMA EKIS) is proud to present Research Day 2024, an event specifically designed for students from the class of 2024 to hone and improve their skills in journal reviews. With the theme "Honeing Critical and Analytical Skills to Solve Contemporary Problems with Scientific Literature in Developing an Islamic Economy," this event will cover sub-themes such as Halal Industry, Islamic Finance, ZISWAF, Green Economy, Islamic Marketing, Halal Tourism, and Halal Value Chain.

Research Day 2024 is committed to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). With a focus on improving journal review skills, this event aims to strengthen the quality of education and prepare students with the critical skills necessary for high-quality research. This capability not only supports better educational attainment but also facilitates the development of relevant research to support inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

In addition, this event is related to SDG 8, which emphasizes the importance of sustainable economic growth and decent work. By promoting research and innovation in areas such as the Green Economy and Halal Value Chain, Research Day 2024 helps students understand and contribute to the development of economic sectors that support inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Through this training, it is hoped that students can produce research that will have a positive impact on the economy and society.