The External Academic Service Economic Dialogue (Dialectics) is an annual event held twice by the Islamic economics student association Universitas Airlangga. This event aims to serve as a discussion forum in order to discuss contemporary Islamic economic issues to grow, adapt and socialize Islamic economics more widely. In 2024, the themes that will be raised at the first External Academic Service Economic Dialogue (Dialectics) event are:
"Islamic economics in everyday life, its applications and benefits for the younger generation."
This event will be held online via Zoom Meeting without any fees charged, and will be held on May 11 202 from 09.00 to 11.00 WIB. The resource persons in this webinar are speakers from external parties related to the proposed theme, namely KNEKS.
This event is related to SDGs number 8, 9, 17, where the relevance of SDGs number 8, namely Decent Work and Economic Growth, is reflected in the final goal of the Dialektika program, namely encouraging the achievement of the national economic resilience program, through educational media that fosters the fighting spirit of the young generation in developing potential of sharia economics in Indonesia. Furthermore, the relevance of SDGs number 9, namely Industry, Innovation, and infrastructure, is illustrated in the core of the Dialektika event which will later provide advice to participants to be wiser in spending their wealth, by directing it to the realm of sharia companies, so that the halal and sharia industry will further develop. Meanwhile, the relevance of SDGs number 17, namely Partnership for the goals, lies in the great hope of the Dialektika event, namely inviting all Islamic economic champions to form partnerships and collective cooperation in order to achieve greater positive results, when compared to working independently.
Therefore, we took the initiative to invite speakers from KNEKS, considering its central role as a government institution that plays the main function in national economic and financial development. So that later the world view presented can be more comprehensive and relevant to the economic development situation in Indonesia and the world.
By holding this Dialectics activity, it is hoped that all participants will have a deeper understanding of the ins and outs of Islamic economics, and will be able to implement various important values in their daily lives, so that in the future they will be able to encourage sharia economic and financial growth, for the sake of achieving national economic resilience program.