external dialecticsThe External Academic Service Economic Dialogue (Dialectics) is an annual event held twice by the Islamic economics student association Universitas Airlangga . This event aims to serve as a discussion forum in order to discuss contemporary Islamic economic issues to grow, adapt and socialize Islamic economics more widely. In 2023, the theme that will be raised at the first External Academic Service Economic Dialogue (Dialectics) event is "Development of Regional Halal Industries amidst APBD Limitations".

This event will be held online via Zoom Meeting without any fees charged, and will be held on May 28 2023 from 09.00 to 11.00 WIB. The resource persons in this webinar are speakers from external parties related to the proposed theme, namely KNEKS. This event is related to SDGs number 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 17. Therefore, we invited speakers from KNEKS because the development of the halal industrial sector is one of the master plans for sharia economic development and its realization is carried out through the program regular and strategic from KNEKS to achieve the SDGs.
It is hoped that participants' participation in this activity will increase participants' awareness of contemporary Islamic economic issues and innovations related to potential, schemes and funding operations, especially blended financing in Islamic economics to develop the halal industry amidst limited APBD.