PR Posters

Student Outbound Mobility Malaysia 2022 Part 2:

Expanding the horizon of knowledge


The Sharia Department of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga has again sent a delegation to Malaysia to establish research collaboration with experts in their fields through the Student Outbound Mobility program. This program will be implemented for approximately two weeks or the equivalent of 40 hours of academic activities (full-time outbound). There are three PhD students in Islamic Economics class of 2019 who will depart in October 2022 through dean funding, namely Arum Indiharwati, Joko Hadi Purnomo, and Ramdani. The main objective of this activity is in accordance with the tri dharma of higher education, including academic peerlisting, joint research, and deepening research sources.

This program, which is carried out offline, is also related to SDGs 17, partnerships to achieve the goal because students will conduct joint research with experts from several universities in Malaysia, namely International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Universiti Malaya, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Collaboration with several universities abroad will have a good impact on increasing the international engagement of lecturers and students of Doctoral Studies in Islamic Economics FEB UNAIR.

Not only research collaboration, students are also expected to gain new experiences of independent learning and deepening knowledge through the global learning process as a form of realizing SDGs 4 of quality education. Independent learning is an approach taken so that students can choose their own fields of interest. In connection with the Student Outbound Mobility program, students have looked for experts/researchers from universities in Malaysia who suit their respective research and dissertation topics. Two students raised the issue of waqf and one student studied Islamic marketing. At the end of the program, students are expected to be able to produce high quality international journal publications and dissertations.