GRWE: Celebration of Ramadhan With Ekis 2022

GRWE or Gebyar Ramadhan With Ekis is an event where the event is organized by the Public Relations division of HIMA EKIS as a form of concern for the community, especially street workers such as pedicab drivers, scavengers, hawkers, street children and motorbike riders. In this GRWE event there are 5 sub-activities to share food before breaking the fast at no charge. This activity was held considering that there are still people who are less able to meet their food needs and there is no time to break the fast at home, but instead break the fast on the street. In this event there was also an activity to share basic necessities in the form of oil, rice and other basic necessities to Sanggar Alang-Alang Surabaya, which is one of the shelter homes for street children. This entire series of activities is carried out offline, but still maintaining health protocols. The GRWE will be held on 16, 17, 19, 22 and 24 April 2022. And this year the activity will be held in Surabaya (around the FEB campus Universitas Airlangga and Sanggar Alang-Alang). The activity is related to SDGs number 2, namely no hunger because the aim of holding this activity is to share food and basic necessities with underprivileged communities.