Islamic Economics Study II (Pakis II) is a work program from the Islamic Economics student association Universitas Airlangga. The theme for Pakis is "Islamic Economic Opportunities in Indonesia" where this event will discuss Islamic economics itself, the characteristics of Islamic economics that differentiate it from conventional economics, the instruments that exist in Islamic Economics and the opportunities for Islamic economics to exist in Indonesia. This is aimed at the general public, especially educating people who are unfamiliar with Islamic economics to find out about Islamic economics and the opportunities for Islamic economics in this country. Pakis II was implemented via a video conference application with a Webinar model. Pakis II with the theme "Islamic Economic Opportunities in Indonesia" will be opened to the public on a national scale by reaching out to various parties. The hope is that after the material presented in this material presentation and question and answer, the local community will be able to find out how important Islamic Economics is from all the speakers' perspectives and towards a Rabbani Economic society in the future. With the background of Dr. Sri Herianingrum, SE., MSi. As a lecturer in Islamic Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga , it is hoped that he can provide knowledge about Islamic Economics itself widely and comprehensively to the entire community and preach Islamic Economics to the public in accordance with the aim of holding this webinar.