Toefl Trial is one of the work programs of the Islamic Economics Student Association's Jakesma Hima Division which is really needed by Islamic Economics students. The Toefl Trial has two types of sub-events, namely the first is holding training in class before the exam day and the second is holding the exam at the Language Center Campus B, Universitas Airlangga .

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Before holding the training, we create a participant registration form which is opened one month before the exam day. Then registration and payment close a week before the exam day. To take part in the Toefl Trial, participants are required to pay IDR 55,000.00 per person. This fee includes two training meetings. In the training, KQMI provides two tutors who teach and one participant gets one copy of Toefl example questions for practice.

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Then we collaborated with the Language Center to carry out this event by paying a fee of IDR 50,000.00 per person. The exam went smoothly and according to plan. The exam was carried out by 71 Islamic Economics student participants.

Source: Hima Ekis News