To realize the goals of the SEGA HIMA Islamic Economics Division, the SEGA Division will hold several work programs, one of the work programs that will be implemented in 2021 is a routine training work program. Routine training is a work program from the SEGA HIMA Division of Islamic Economics, Universitas Airlangga , which consists of several exercises in the fields of sports or arts. In terms of sports, there are futsal, basketball, volleyball and badminton training. Meanwhile, in the arts field, there are acoustic and saman dance exercises. The aim to be achieved from the routine training work program is to accommodate the interests and talents of the members of the Islamic Economic Association Universitas Airlangga in non-academic fields, especially in the fields of arts and sports. Apart from that, routine training is also aimed at preparing delegates representing the Islamic Economics Department at the FEB Dean's Cup Universitas Airlangga . Apart from that, the program that will be carried out in routine training is to create a community for sports or arts that are included in routine training. The aim of this community itself is to maintain friendship between fellow Islamic economics students Universitas Airlangga , especially those interested in the same sport or art branch. Next, this community will coordinate the activities that the community wants to carry out, such as competitions or friendship events with other departments and other universities under the supervision of the Arts and Sports division of HIMA Islamic Economics.