EGD is a work program for the Islamic Economics Student Association with the theme village servants. Ekis goes to the village is held to fulfill the tri dharma of higher education. This year's EGD carries the theme, namely "Collaborative development and utilization of natural resources in Mangirejo Hamlet, Wonosalam Village to create sociopreneurial awareness and also increase community environmental awareness to make the village independent and environmentally sustainable." The concept of the EGD event this year is slightly different from previous years, because of the pandemic, the EGD concept uses a hybrid system where there are drafters and executors. EGD 2020 will be held in Mangirejo hamlet, Wonosalam village, Jombang, East Java. EGD will be held on 17-19 December 2020. By holding this EGD program, it is hoped that we can establish good relations with local residents and can preach Islamic economics to the community.