FRESH 2019


Day 1 we did this fresh activity on campus, precisely in the ABC Hall. Day 1 is the opening event of fresh activities. everything went smoothly, all the committee and participants were not late. The committee briefing has been completed and the rundown of events for today has been informed and the equipment has been prepared. When it arrived at 06.30 it was time for the fresh participants to enter the room. It took a bit of time because there were a lot of participants so it wasn't conducive but we could still manage it. Fresh participants have entered the room, it's time to sing the song Indonesia Raya, Hymn Airlangga and Hymn Islamic Economics. However, when the Hymn Airlangga and Hymn Islamic Economics. After singing the songs, the fresh participants were welcomed by the Chair of the Islamic Economics Student Association, namely Ahnan Fajar Nurridho, and a video was shown about the Student Association and its staff as well as an introduction to what work programs were being carried out. 

Break time has arrived, fresh participants are ishoma. Participants headed to the mosque for midday prayers in congregation there. The committee carries out their respective job desks to direct participants so that conditions remain conducive. After the break, each group displayed their chants so that the atmosphere was not too serious. The fresh participants were very enthusiastic in showing their chants, laughing and trying to get to know each other. It's really fun. Plus, by sharing work experiences, academic introductions, and college experiences. It didn't take long for them to ask questions enthusiastically. What do they get during college, what do they do, how to get good grades and many other questions they ask. They complain when the sharing ends. The committee arranged for the participants to be as conducive as the beginning because it was Ishoma time and the next event was the selection of their temporary class commanders. There are at least 3 candidates for the competition, some are volunteers, some are nominated by their group. Comting candidates voice their vision and mission, not all of the vision and mission are serious so it becomes like a joke for them. It's time to select the temporary committee by voting, it won't take long for the temporary committee to be elected. 


Day 2 was an outbound held in the Taman Kenjeran area, Surabaya. Next, security assessed what their mistakes were, what their mistakes were in their duties and how they should behave with adults. This time security was a little more strict because the participants themselves underestimated the task given by the committee, even though the committee gave the task because it had its own essence, but they underestimated the task. They argued with each other, looking for a way out of this problem. Make them understand that we don't just give assignments. 

 The next event is life skills, this life skill is to get a piece of the Islamic Economics emblem. There are 6 posts and each of them has an essence that will be conveyed. Post 1 is about leadership, post 2 is about tolerance, post 3 is self-confidence, post 4 is about responsibility, post 5 is pride, post 6 is about active critical thinking. Time was a bit hampered there, the event rundown was a bit messy but the event team and the other parties tried to ensure that the messy rundown did not affect subsequent events. We are in a hurry, by cutting a little of the series of events which probably won't take long because the rundown we made has also exceeded the hours. After ishoma, new students and the committee went home together.


Day 3 last day fresh. Between the ups and downs mixed together, we put in all our efforts so that day 3 will be a memorable closing that will always be remembered by the 2019 fresh participants. In the morning we carried it out in the ABC Hall, on day 2 the participants were given the task of making a power point about the work program that was being carried out. they plan and inaugurate each group. And currently they are presenting a work program by forming a roundabout consisting of 4 FRESH groups and 2 residents in each roundabout. From the work program itself they are given the mandate and responsibility for their group on how to make it happen together. After presenting each work program, it was time for the next event, namely sharing caring with residents, to discuss problems that occurred during the fresh session, like on day 1, they were still enthusiastic about this sharing caring. Mutual arguments ensued between the committee, participants and residents. It took so long and took so many events to make a backup rundown. 

When Ishoma arrived, relief, happiness and sadness became one. They hugged each other. We move to IKOMA GOR for the inauguration and awards. During the inauguration, it felt very good to laugh, dance and dance, there was a very family feeling in Islamic Economics between the committee and the participants. This awarding is what they have been waiting for. The nominations are Ikwan and Akhwat 2019, taken for how active they are and how they behave, the best shouts, the most creative inauguration, taken for how this child behaves to the committee, the chosen program. After having fun, it's time for Ashar prayers at the Nuruzzaman mosque and get ready to go to the parking lot behind the mosque to do a paper mob and closing.