Developmentprodis 2023 FEB UNAIR (PRODES) 2023 is one of the work programs of the Accounting Student Association, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , in the form of community service contained in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. PRODES 2023 activities will be held on 21-25 June 2023 located in Pelang Village, Lembangbahu District, Lamongan Regency.

PRODES 2023 launches a program based on people's economics which aims to help and improve the economic quality of the Pelang Village community in terms of economy, education and health.
Economic activities that will be carried out by applying knowledge consist of counseling regarding effective and efficient financial management, helping to process business permits and creating product branding so that village residents' businesses can be known to the wider community and increase the selling power of these products. In this way, it can improve the economy of village residents through better business development.

In the health sector, there are several things to focus on, namely monitoring the health conditions of local residents, as well as outreach about the dangers of the spread of disease which will have a negative impact on the lives of village communities.
Meanwhile, the essence of educational activities is to increase the knowledge, skills and creativity of children at school through several activities accompanied by an appreciation of what these children will produce.

With these activities, it is hoped that it can help the Pelang village community in improving their quality of life and economy. Let's work together to build a better and more prosperous Pelang village.

#development of villageproducts 2023