Atma Jaya Yogyakarta Supreme Accounting Competition (ASAC) is an accounting olympiad at the university level with a national scope. This accounting Olympiad was held by the Accounting Study Program Student Association (HMPSA) Faculty of Business and Economics, Atma Jaya University, Yogyakarta as a forum for implementing the knowledge gained during the lecture period. Apart from being a forum for implementing knowledge, through the Atma Jaya Yogyakarta Supreme Accounting Competition (ASAC) it is hoped that it can test the level of ability not only conceptually but also technically the ability of all students throughout Indonesia.
This Olympics consists of four rounds, namely the preliminary round on March 12 2022, the preliminary round and semifinal round on March 24 2022, and the Final Round on March 25 2022. The preliminary round was attended by around 27 groups from various universities in Indonesia, in this round 70 teams took part. multiple choice questions and 10 short answer questions with a time of 120 minutes. The 15 teams with the highest scores are entitled to continue in the 2022 ASAC preliminary round.
The preliminary round consists of 2 stages, the first is Preliminary 1 where each member will get 1 different package of questions and will be done individually consisting of true false questions and short answers with a time of 60 minutes. Then continued with Preliminary 2 where each team had the opportunity to answer short fill-in questions in the form of theory and calculations with a time of 40 seconds for each calculation question and 20 seconds for each theory question. The final results of the preliminary round are the accumulated scores in the preliminary round 1 and preliminary round 2. The 10 teams with the highest scores proceed to the semifinal round.
The semifinal round also consists of 2 stages, namely Semifinal 1 (Bid and Win). In this round the team makes a bid point to determine the number of points they will get after being given a clue by the committee regarding the question. Consists of 20 questions that are contested in 60 minutes. Next, in the semifinal stage, 2 teams worked on the trade accounting cycle for 75 minutes. The final results of the semifinal round are the accumulated scores for semifinal 1 and semifinal 2 to be selected by the 5 best teams who will qualify for the final round.
In the final round, the team was given a case about an accounting issue with 30 minutes of discussion time and preparation of a presentation. After presenting the results of the case discussion, each team received questions from the jury.