Delegates to the National Paper Competition Accrued 5????ℎ 2021

Undergraduate Accounting students named M. Wildan Sulthon, Suham Cahyono, and Pipit Tya Ayu Aisyah took part in the 2021 Accrued 5????ℎ National Paper Competition held by the Indonesian Accountants Association East Java Region, with the theme "Contribution of Accountants in Economic Recovery Efforts Indonesia to make SDGs 2045 a success through an independent campus." This activity consists of several selections, starting from abstract selection, then full paper, presentation video selection, to the final stage, namely strengthening arguments and asking questions. Our team promotes the Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) Policy in an effort to create Eco-Efficiency in the environment or Manufacturing Industrial Area and create an Industrial Climate with a Zero Waste Production model. This competition was attended by several campuses in Indonesia, our team managed to get the best fifth position in the final stage. The competition started from December 31 2020, starting from abstract selection, where our team began to organize ideas and create abstracts, until February 14 we were declared finalists on that occasion, until our team competed in the question and answer session and strengthening arguments on March 6 2021 , and then on March 7 our team took part in a seminar and announced the champions, and our team got 5th place in the event. 


  1.     Presentation Delivery

  1. Argument Strengthening Session


  1. Preparation before presentation

  1. Seminar session