Aksipreneur 2021 is the agenda of the HMA Entrepreneurship Sector, Universitas Airlangga . Aksipreneur 2021 is a forum to facilitate every individual or student in developing their interests and talents for entrepreneurship. Aksipreneur itself can also be a bridge between students and entrepreneurs to discuss the world of business which can inspire students.

Aksipreneur 2021 has several series of events, namely the Online Talkshow which was held twice on Friday, 28 May 2021 and Friday, 15 October 2021. The talkshow session took place between the speaker and the MC and ended with a question and answer session. Online Workshop which was held 3 times on Saturday, 24 April 2021, Saturday, 10 July 2021, and Saturday, 25 November 2021. This activity was filled with participants who together created a work/product guided by the resource person, so that participants could see opportunities new to doing business through this activity. The highlight of the 2021 Aksipreneur series will be the series of Business Plan events which we will hold from September to November. The media used in each series of events is via video conference - zoom meeting. Some of the other facilities we have created around business and entrepreneurship are through Podcasts and the Business Community.