Accounting Championship – Jember Accounting Fair 2020 or commonly referred to as ACHAMP is a series of competition events held every year by JAFa (Jember Accounting Fair) which is organized by the HMJA Accounting Department Student Association) Faculty of Economics and Business, Jember University. All students from PTN and PTS throughout Indonesia have the same opportunity to take part in this competition and compete for the rector's trophy, and this year JAFa 2020 carries the grand theme "The New Face of Accounting in the New Normal Era". 

Accounting Championship – Jember Accounting Fair 2020 has the theme "Improve The Next Accountant's Skill and Innovation to Encounter The New Normal Era" which is based on preparing accountants in preparing accountants to face the new normal in the midst of a pandemic situation like today because accountants have to always ready to adapt to face all changes and adjust its competencies while maintaining its capabilities and innovation. 

The Accounting Championship will be held in the preliminary round first on September 3 2020. Next, the 20 best teams will proceed to the Main Event round on October 9 2020, the 10 best teams will continue in the semifinal round on the same day, and the final round will be held on October 10 2020 , as well as a Seminar on October 11 2020.