The Scholarship Community is an agenda activity from the Internal Division of the Student Welfare Division of Universitas AirlanggaAccounting Association. The Scholarship Community is an agenda held to bridge Universitas Airlangga Accounting students who are interested in getting scholarships with scholarship training and continuous sharing about scholarships. It is hoped that with the existence of the scholarship community, more and more Universitas Airlangga Accounting students will receive scholarships and will always be motivated to achieve scholarships.


There are two forms of scholarship communities, namely online scholarship communities and offline scholarship communities. And the scholarship community is held twice in one period. Scholarship Community 2 was held on Wednesday, 20 November 2019 from 18.00 to 20.00 in the Soepoyo Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga. This event invited speakers from Hong Kong Government Scholarship students, namely Novrys Suhardianto, SE., MSA., Ak., PhD. who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga. In this event the speaker explained what the Hong Kong Government Scholarship is and all his experiences in trying to get this scholarship, as well as sharing his experiences while studying in Hong Kong. And the speaker also shared how easy it is to get a scholarship, namely how to make a good and correct CV, how to make a good and correct motivation letter and how to face the tests or interviews that will be faced at the scholarship recipient selection stage. Then it was continued with a question and answer session regarding matters related to the Hong Kong Government Scholarship. In this session, participants got quite a lot of information regarding effective ways to pass the selection for other scholarships.