summit feb unairThe National Investor Summit is a seminar held by the Capital Market Study Group (KSPM) Universitas Airlangga to increase the financial literacy of Gen Z, by internalizing the understanding of frugal living and introducing correct investment instruments. In this case, the Capital Markets Study Group (KSPM) Universitas Airlangga in collaboration with the Indonesian Stock Exchange and Indo Premier Sekuritas held a Capital Markets School hybrid seminar to realize the goal of Indonesia's young generation who understand how to make good and correct investments. The National Investor Summit will be held on Saturday, 19 October 2024 in the Candradimuka Hall, FTMM Building, Campus C, Universitas Airlangga.

The National Investor Summit is related to SDG's number 4, namely adequate education. Through the National Investor Summit, the general public, especially Gen Z, can gain knowledge related to financial literacy.
