KSPM Magz or Magazine is a work program in the form of preparing a magazine containing analysis, education, games, related to capital markets and economics which is the result of collaboration with the KSPM FEB Unair research division.
The magazine will be printed in physical and digital form so that the wider public outside FEB Unair and even throughout Indonesia can read and gain knowledge about the capital market through the magazine. KSPM Magz or Magazine was designed as a form of effort to contribute to KSPM FEB Unair achieving SDGs number 4, namely quality education. The hope is that through KSPM Magz or Magazine, FEB Unair students and the general public can increase their knowledge regarding the world of capital markets. Not only that, KSPM Magz or Magazine was also prepared as an effort to realize SDGs number 17, namely partnerships to achieve goals. It is hoped that KSPM FEB Unair will be able to become a partner for FEB Unair students and the general public in seeking various information related to the world of capital markets.
