Bina Abdi Desa is a work program organized by the Community Service Department of BEM FEB UNAIR which is sustainable for 3 years in the target villages. Bina Abdi Desa 2023 collaborated with Kandangan Village, Lumanjang for 7 days from 6 August 2023 - 12 August 2023 where students carried out various activities to support SDGs in the village community. This program does not just focus on one aspect, but seeks to embrace several dimensions of the SDGs simultaneously.


In Bina Abdi Desa 2023, activities carried out include the realization of BUMDES (Village-Owned Enterprises) which have a significant impact on SDGs number 1 and 8. By helping village communities develop local businesses, students help alleviate poverty and create jobs. In addition, Halal Certification and Wanderlust (local tourism promotion) support SDGs number 8 and 9 by opening up new economic opportunities and supporting sustainable economic growth in the region. In the Halal Certification and Wanderlust activities, Bina Abdi Desa 2023 collaborated with FEB Unair lecturers, namely Mr. Noven Suprayogi, SE,M.Si.,Ak and Mr. Mochamad Badowi, SM, MBA who acted as speakers for socialization with the village community.


Bina Abdi Desa 2023 also collaborates with KPLA FK Unair to organize medical check-up activities for village communities to contribute to SDGs number 3 by increasing access to health services and improving community welfare. This can help village communities become aware of the importance of health, which will reduce health inequalities. Bina Abdi Desa 2023 closed with an art performance by village children where they displayed their talents and work, thus opening up opportunities to empower the younger generation for a brighter future. This activity is in accordance with SDGs point 4, namely inclusive and quality education


Through these various activity designs, Bina Abdi Desa is a real example of how students can play an active role in achieving SDGs goals by involving and empowering village communities in various aspects of their lives.