Students are required to be able to contribute to the development of knowledge and contribute creative and constructive thinking to help realize the Tri Dharma of Higher Education through PKM (Student Creativity Program) held by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research and Technology. It is hoped that this program can lead students to become innovative Agents of Change based on mastery of science and technology and faith in God Almighty. The 2022 PKM screening is somewhat different from previous years, where this year the Director of Student Affairs Universitas Airlangga held a Student Scientific Competition (KIM) which competed for 8 PKM Schemes consisting of PKM-Social Humanities Research (PKM-RSH), PKM-Entrepreneurship (PKM- K), PKM-Community Service (PKM-PM), PKM-Application of Science and Technology (PKM-PI), PKM-Creation Initiative (PKM-KC), PKM-Innovative Work (PKM-KI), PKM-Video of Constructive Ideas ( PKM-VGK), and PKM-Written Futuristic Ideas (PKM-GFT).
This year FEB UNAIR sent 93 contingents to compete at university level, for this reason it is necessary to hold outreach related to PKM so that FEB UNAIR students, especially new students, know and understand what PKM is and are enthusiastic about taking part in this competition. PKM guarantees decent education and can even be converted to certain courses, so this supports SDGs 4.