LATRUTRoutine training is one of the agendas of the SEGA BEM FEB UNAIR Department. This routine content upload activity by the Economic Dance Crew is carried out every 2 weeks. EDC routinely uploads content during the pandemic to replace routine training activities which are usually carried out offline. The content recording process is carried out individually by active EDC members. Previously, an example of the choreography that must be demonstrated will be given and each member will send their video to one of the EDC members. Then the video collection will be edited by the EDC member in charge. Furthermore, the content will be published via the official EDC account, namely Instagram @edc.unair. Finally, a live report is carried out every time EDC video content is uploaded on social media. Live report was carried out on the official BEM FEB UNAIR Instagram account. The next routine exercise is Saman. This year's implementation of Saman will be carried out online. The activity mechanism is divided every month with a breakdown of 1 month consisting of an estimated 4 weeks with 3 divisions. The first 2 weeks will carry out mentoring on Saman movements which will be distributed via the G-Drive link and participants will memorize the movements being taught. in the 3rd week the participants sent the movements they had memorized in video form via the assignment g-drive link, in the 4th week a live report was held between the participants and the mentor by conducting an evaluation of the assignment video to correct mistakes via the zoom platform.