(FEB NEWS) Magelang, 5 January 2024 - Laboratory for the Study and Development of Accounting, Taxation and Information Systems (LPAPPSI) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) held Community Service (Pengmas) activities in Ngasem Hamlet, Gulon, Salam District, Magelang Regency on Saturday, January 5 2024.
This activity was led by Dra. Mienati Somya Lasmana.,M.Si., Ak., BKP., CA, who also serves as Head of the LPAPPSI FEB UNAIR Team. This team consists of several experts in their fields, namely Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, MSi, Ak, CA, Sigit Kurnianto, SE, MSA, Ak., CA., SAS., CGAE., ASEAN CPA, and Habiburrochman, SE, M.Si, Ak, CertDA, CA, CPA.
This community service activity is a form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which aims to make a positive contribution to the community in Ngasem Hamlet. The LPAPPSI FEB UNAIR team provides understanding and knowledge related to accounting, taxation and information systems to the local community. Apart from that, the team will also provide solutions to problems faced by the community in this regard.
Apart from sharing understanding and knowledge, LPAPPS FEB UNAIR also provided laptops to the local community. Dra. Mienati Somya Lasmana., M.Si., Ak., BKP., CA - Head of the LPAPPSI FEB UNAIR Team, explained that the provision of laptops was aimed at supporting multimedia teaching at the local level which previously only relied on cellphone devices. With the addition of laptops, it is hoped that multimedia education can be more optimal and provide real benefits for the people of Ngasem Hamlet.
Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, MSi, Ak, CA – Dean of FEB UNAIR, stated, "We hope that this activity can provide real benefits for the community. Through education and direct learning, we want to help improve people's understanding and skills in the fields of accounting, taxation and information systems ."
Apart from learning sessions, this activity also involves direct interaction between the LPAPPSI team and the local community. Discussion and questions and answers will be an important part of this activity, where the public is invited to actively participate and share experiences.
It is hoped that this community service activity can have a sustainable positive impact on the people of Ngasem Hamlet, as well as being part of the university's efforts to realize sustainable and beneficial community service. This is support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This support can be seen from increasing access to education (SDGs 4) by providing better facilities for multimedia learning. Providing laptops can also have a positive economic impact (SDGs 8) by increasing people's skills and knowledge in the fields of accounting, taxation and information systems. In this way, LPAPPSI FEB UNAIR through this community service activity contributes to realizing sustainable development and welfare of the local community.
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