GREAT SOCIALIZATION E LEARNING GEN 2 FEB UNAIR 1(FEB NEWS) Wednesday, 20 December 2023, Division I FEB UNAIR led by Dr. Wisnu Wibowo – Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR, held a Socialization of the Final Assignment Module, Cybercampus and E-Learning GEN 2. The event was held in the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR, and was attended by FEB UNAIR Lecturers, from the Department of Economics, Management, Accounting, and Sharia Economics.

The final assignment guidance and testing application (thesis/thesis/dissertation) at Universitas Airlangga V2 cybercampus is an effort to integrate final assignment guidance and testing data for the purposes of monitoring and evaluating student study periods, final assignment completion periods, lecturer workload, and taking scholarship decisions and other policies. The final assignment guidance and testing application is a process of digitizing final assignment guidance and testing activities to make them more transparent and accountable.

In this activity, great socialization of Generation 2 E-learning was also carried out, by Captain e-learning FEB UNAIR – Noven Suprayogi, SE., MSi., Ak. namely Universitas Airlanggaonline asynchronous learning platform. Great e-learning generation 2 uses Moodle version 4.3, and a new database system. So the Great E-learning Generation 2 will be more stable and better than the Great E-learning Generation 1 to provide online learning services to the FEB UNAIR academic community.
