MONEV KKN BBK FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) 18 December 2023, at the Retno Suwari Meeting Room, Gresik Regency Regent's Office, Monitoring and Evaluation (MONEV) Community Real Work Lecture Activities (KKN BBK) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) was successfully carried out. This activity is a synergy between FEB UNAIR students and the Gresik Regency Government to make a positive contribution to the local community.

A total of six groups of students presented the results of their work program for one semester in various Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) in Gresik Regency. The presentation of the results of this work was witnessed by a number of parties, Dr. Wisnu Wibowo - Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR, Supervisor, and representative from the Gresik Regency Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda).

In their presentation, KKN BBK FEB UNAIR students explained the efforts and contributions they had made to the development of Bumdes in the region. The hope is that the results of this presentation can create a positive and sustainable impact for each Bumdes that is the focus of their activities.

Dr. Wisnu Wibowo expressed his appreciation for the dedication and hard work of FEB UNAIR students in carrying out BBK KKN. He hopes that the results of student work will not only provide benefits for Bumdes, but will also become a comprehensive learning medium for them. In this way, students not only gain field experience, but also gain an in-depth understanding of the role and challenges of economic development at the local level.

It is hoped that the collaboration between FEB UNAIR and the Gresik Regency Government in the BBK KKN can be an example for other educational institutions to collaborate with local governments in making real contributions to community development. Through this collaboration, it is hoped that a positive synergy will be created between the world of education and local governments to realize sustainable and advanced development at the local level.

Apart from making a direct contribution to the development of Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes), the Community Real Work Lecture (KKN BBK) of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) also consistently supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through implementing programs that focus on local economic empowerment and improving community welfare, BBK KKN students encourage the realization of SDG 1 (Not poor) and SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth).

Apart from that, students' efforts in building the capacity of Bumdes also have a positive impact on achieving SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) by increasing the competitiveness and quality of economic infrastructure at the village level. Concrete steps such as entrepreneurship training, use of information technology, and increasing market access for local products are part of their strategy to create a sustainable impact.

The collaboration between FEB UNAIR and the Gresik Regency Government in implementing BBK KKN activities not only creates learning for students but also supports SDG 17 (Partnership to achieve goals) by building strong collaboration between educational institutions and local governments. Through this synergy, it is hoped that local community empowerment can become the basis for sustainable development, covering economic, social and environmental aspects at the village level. Thus, this activity is not only a form of local contribution but also supports global efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals as a whole.
