TTD PKS FEB UNAIR PT PEL 2(FEB NEWS) Today, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) and PT. Pelindo Energi Logistik (PT. PEL) has officially signed a cooperation agreement which marks the first step in mobilizing joint efforts to improve quality Human Resources (HR), in line with sustainable development goals (SDGs), (15/9/ 2023).
The signing of the cooperation agreement took place in the Fadjarnotonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR, attended by Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA., as Dean of FEB UNAIR, and Gatot Imam Prasetyo, who serves as Director of Finance, Human Resources and General Affairs of PT. Pelindo Energy Logistics.

The HR Competency Development Education Program which will be implemented as a result of this collaboration is expected to bring innovation and extraordinary growth in the industry, as well as being a significant contribution to achieving the SDGs. In this historic moment, both parties emphasized their commitment to jointly develop the potential of quality and superior human resources.
Deputy Dean I and Deputy Dean III FEB UNAIR were also present at the signing procession, along with management from PT. Pelindo Energi Logistik, all of whom agree on synergy and collaboration in joint efforts to create a better future.
This program is not only about education, but also about making a real contribution to achieving the sustainable development goals mandated by the SDGs. Together, we agreed to start a promising journey, with the hope that this program will be a form of contribution from FEB UNAIR & PT. Pelindo Energi Logistik for the progress of the country, especially in developing superior human resources that can bring Indonesia forward to a better future.
This collaboration reflects the spirit of "together we can" and is a real example of how educational institutions and companies can work together to create positive change and advance society and the nation. With the spirit of "brilliant future," FEB UNAIR and PT. Pelindo Energi Logistik is ready to continue moving towards a more advanced Indonesia, with the belief that their success is part of their contribution to achieving the SDGs and the nation's prosperity.
Come on, start this journey and share success together in advancing education and human resource development.