(FEB NEWS) Located at the Village Hall, a number of 35 female MSME activists from Teluk Sasah Village, Kab. Bintan attended the Community Service (Pemmas) Empowerment of Women's MSMEs through the Go-Digital and Business Legal program for women's MSMEs in Teluk Sasah. This activity was delivered by three lecturers at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga on September 18 2023, Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, Dr. Meri Indri Hapsari, and Dr. Febriana Wurjaningrum. This community service activity is FEB UNAIR's first participation in the Airlangga Community Development Hub (ACDH) Program, Universitas Airlangga second year, Bintan.

35 UMKM Women participating in Community Service have superior products typical of Teluk Sasah, most of which are food products such as; otak-otak, crackers, bread, tempeh, and other local products. The Go-Digital and Business Legal Program is carried out through socialization of digital promotions and increasing Brand Value through Business Entities as well as MSME Brand Legality. Most participants don't know how to access digital marketing platforms and don't have a business license. These MSME players only market directly to consumers with a limited reach without utilizing digital promotions. Apart from that, participants also don't know about the availability of brand management services, PIRT, halal certification which are increasingly easy to access.
The aim of the FEB UNAIR Community Service Team this time is to increase the introduction of local Sasah Village MSME products to the wider community as well as efforts to increase awareness of MSME players to protect their businesses.
Digital promotions are useful for attracting consumers and potential consumers widely, quickly and relatively cheaply. In this community service activity, it was conveyed that digital promotions can be carried out using several digital media including SEO (Search Engine Optimization), online advertising such as FB ads and Google Ads, print media promotions, television and radio advertisements, electronic billboards, email marketing, mobile marketing, and others.
Business protection is useful for protecting the continuity of producers' business activities, increasing awareness, ability and independence of producers and creating a sense of responsibility for business actors in running their business.
This community service activity is a form of FEB UNAIR's support in achieving SDG 8 goals: decent work and economic growth. The hope is that apart from being able to support the preservation of typical Teluk Sasah Village food, this activity will also support women's empowerment, so that they can improve the family economy, as well as the development of MSMEs which will ultimately create economic growth for the country.
This socialization activity was carried out in three sessions. The first session was mapping the problems of Sasah Village Women's MSMEs, providing digital promotional materials, then continued with socializing business legality.
The output of this activity is increased awareness of Sasah Village Women's MSMEs regarding digital promotions which can be seen from several participants being able to access the e-commerce platform for product marketing as well as an increase in participants' awareness of the importance of business legality with the increasing desire to have a PIRT business permit.
Here are some hashtags that can be used to describe this activity:



YKM #Promosidigital​